
Entity Definition

Logical Name : DiscrepancyToleranceRule
Physical Name : RU_TLRN_DSCP

A rule that defines permissible variance between the total inventory control document cost (based on the supplier's cost) and the store's receiving total (based on the store's record of supplier item cost). Any variance that exceeds the discrepancy threshold will trigger an invoice or item-level reconciliation.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
SupplierID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Supplier. ID_SPR Identity integer Supplier(PA_SPR)
DiscrepancyRuleID (PK) A specific rule which defines the nature and amount of the cost, weight or quantity discrepancy. Rules can apply to the entire bill or individual lines and be measured in amount or percentage terms. ID_RU_DSCP Identity integer
TypeCode Determines whether the discrepancy rule applies to cost (in monetary units), weight or quantity (i.e. item count). TY_DSCP Code2 char(2)
Amount The monetary value, weight or quantity that establishes the tolerance threshold that when reached will exceed the tolerance for the SUPPLIER and require special approval or remedial action. MO_TH_DSCP Money decimal(16,5)
Percent The monetary value, weight or quantity percent variance between what is ordered and what is received that establishes the tolerance threshold that when reached will exceed the tolerance for the SUPPLIER and require special approval or remedial action. PE_TH_DSCP Percent decimal(7,4)
MessageText Message to detail the reason for the difference between the billed and ITEM cost amounts, weights or counts. NA_MSG_TH_DSCP DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Supplier defines rules for DiscrepancyToleranceRule

Logical Views containing DiscrepancyToleranceRule

Logical View
Logical 01500 - Item Supplier View